👋 Please join us for our third Socratic Seminar. A special thank you to AssemblyNFK for the event space! 🙏

Please make sure you are RSVP’d for entry via Meetup to gain access to the building.

For this session we can start with a quick presentation on BOLT-11 and the draft specification for BOLT-12 and then we can jump into the other topics.


  • No photos, videos, audio recording
  • Chatham House Rule
  • Leave the meeting space as clean as you found it
  • Suggest topics for the next Socratic Seminar!

Bitcoin Core


0xB10C has released a detailed report on the network entity he calls Linking Lion. It appears to be a malicious actor attempting to trace the source node of bitcoin transactions. This can be accomplished by connecting to a large number of bitcoin nodes to collect inv and addr message data. With this data, a dedicated attacker can perform timing analysis to identify the origin node of transaction announcements.


James O’Beirne has released a new update to his OP_VAULT proposal that incorporates techniques from TLUV, making the protocol more flexible and simpler to use. Additionally, O’Beirne proposes including OP_CTV as a first-class citizen in this proposal.

If you’re interested in the technical details, you can read the full BIP on O’Beirne’s Github page. Alternatively, check out this fantastic Twitter thread by O’Beirne for a quick summary. Don’t miss out on the latest developments in Bitcoin’s covenants!



After three long years the route blinding proposal from Bastien Teinturier has finally been merged into the BOLT-04 spec! Route blinding is a technique for achieving recipient privacy by obscuring the final few hops of a payment route using ECDH shared secrets between the recipient and the nodes along the blinded path. Check the PR or read this nice summary on the Voltage blog.



payjoin.org is a new site from Dan Gould explaining the mechanism and use of P2EP, or payjoin, a privacy-preserving on-chain transaction protocol that breaks the common input ownership hueristic. The site links directly to the payjoin SDK, a rust crate intended for developers to add payjoin support to their projects. payjoin v0.7.0 was also recently released with a focus on making bitcoin core and LND integration possible.

